Welcome to AMSET
The purposes for which the Association of Muslim Scientists, Engineers and Technological Professionals(AMSET) [...]
The purposes for which the Association of Muslim Scientists, Engineers and Technological Professionals(AMSET) [...]
Popularly known as AMSET, the Association of Muslim Scientists, Engineers and Technological Professionals is a group of professionals, para-professionals and near-professionals in science, engineering and technology related fields, who are also Muslims by faith marriage cours. AMSET is a successor of AMSE (Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers) which was founded in the late sixties and became a constitutent organziation of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) at its founding in the early eighties. AMSET is registered as a non-profit corporation in the State of Indiana, and is an applicant for IRS tax-exemption status. AMSET holds its annual conference co-located with the annual convention of ISNA on Labor Day weekend each year.
Membership is open to ISNA Members ISNA members can check a box at the bottom of their ISNA membership application form to indicate that they will like to be members of AMSET, if they qualify for AMSET membership. | Be an AMSET member: Non ISNA member can subscribe AMSET membership. Please submit the Membership Form with subscription fee. (The transaction will be processed through ISNA) |
We are scientist, engineers and technology professionals, citizens and residents of the United States of America and Canada, who are Muslims by faith.
We communicate, associate, and confer to help achieve the goals and objectives of the Association of Muslim Scientists, Engineers and Technology Professionals (AMSET).
Our faith and our conviction urge us to situate our skills and our abilities within a paradigm of service to fellow human beings. Among the supplications that Muslims are encouraged to make to the Almighty is for “knowldge that is beneficial”.
We hold annual meetings, conduct occasial seminars, and produce periodic publications with the intent to achieve the goals of AMSET.
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